5FO Oxygen Gas Sensor AAA32-400 5 Series O2 Air 2 Year

5FO Oxygen Gas Sensor AAA32-400 5 Series O2 Air 2 Year

  • Model: 5FO

Sale: $96.30

QTY: Unit(s)

Product Description

5FO AAA32-400 5 Series O2 Air 2-Year 0-30% Oxygen Sensor

Operating Temperature Range
Recommended Storage Temp
Temperature Coefficient
Operating Pressure Range
Pressure Coefficient
Operating Humidity Range
20°C to +45°C
0°C to 20°C
0.2% signal/°C
Atmospheric ± 10%
<0.02% signal/mbar
0 to 99%rH non-condensing
Long Term Output Drift*
Expected Operating Life
Storage Life
<5% signal/year2 years in air
6 months in original packaging

Hydrocarbons    100%
Methane, CH4    100%
Hydrogen, H2    100%
Carbon Monoxide, CO    20%
Hydrocarbons    100%
Methane, CH4    100%